Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein

Elon Musk FINALLY Revealed Hydrogen Fuel Cell Engine That Shocks The Entire Car Industry

10.235 Aufrufe 18.06.2022 Elon Musk and Tesla revealed a new hydrogen fuel cell engine for electric cars. This hydrogen fuel cell engine will be the most powerful car engine in the world. Hydrogen fuel cells are an even better solution for sustainability. This new hydrogen Tesla car will be called Tesla Model H – related to hydrogen.

Wort am Sonntag – Blog/Wiki/Forum

Zitat (Einbettung nicht möglich, deshalb):

Discourse wird von mehr als 600[11] namhaften Unternehmen und Projekten eingesetzt, darunter:

Zitat (Einbettung nicht möglich, deshalb):

Blog, Wiki or Forum – which should you use?

Support for staff building online or blended courses

Blogs, wikis and forums were not designed as educational tools, but they can be very useful in a teaching and learning context for supporting dialogue between students, providing a space for collaboration and chronicling student reflections. But which is most suitable to your needs, in your course?

Consider these three tools the way you would consider any teaching strategy. First ask yourself, what are the outcomes you want to achieve in your teaching? Then ask, what do the tools offer, and how do they differ from each other? The following table gives a short summary of each tool’s functioning. It should help you decide the answer to a third question: which tool can best help your students achieve the desired outcomes?

DefinitionAn online journal (web log), diary or news column with posts in reverse-chronological order (latest first) and options for readers to commentAn easily-edited set of one or more linked web pages that readers can add to or modify. Facilitates collaborative content creation.A noticeboard or message board where people can start new topics or discussions and respond to existing 

Startseite » Leistungen » Web2.0: Blog, Forum, Wiki

Blog, Forum, Wiki und soziales Netzwerk

Wort zum Sonntag

Klimawandel in der Gesellschaft entwickeln, um gemeinsam den Klimawandel der Erde aufzuhalten. Am besten mit Comedy & Musik und angrenzenden Künsten.

Am 18. Februar war Georg Schramm auf Einladung des fraktionslosen Abgeordneten Martin Sonneborn (Die PARTEI) zu Gast im EU-Parlament.

Georg Schramm: „Ist die Zeit der Hofnarren vorbei?“ L. Dombrowski kondoliert M. Sonneborn

1.069.918 Aufrufe

Spoiler: die Zeit der Hofnarren fängt grade erst an (Zitat Daddy R.).

Ich denke sie ist vorbei“ (Zitat Georg Schramm)

Über Hofnarrentum


… Softwareanalyse und Links folgen.

„Elixir’s source code is under the Apache 2 License and is maintained by the Elixir Core team, composed of six members: Aleksei Magusev, Andrea Leopardi, Eric Meadows-Jönsson, Fernando Tapia Rico, James Fish, and José Valim.“ (elixir Development)